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/ Veletrhy a výstavy 17th October 2007 14:00, vh
Auto show - Autoshow Praha 2007
Automobile autumn is already traditionally connected with the Autoshow Praha exposition. It is an exposition of rather local character, which cannot be compared to the international exhibitions in the extent and also the brands are represented here rather by the dealers and not by manufacturers. However, it offers some premieres. The 2007 year is from 18th to 22th October 2007 on the Praha Holešovice exhibition grounds.
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Exhibition grounds Praha Holešovice are not very good for a car exposition. They are not big enough, so the visitor can look at only a few cars from each mark, although the dealers and manufacturers could present more. What more, the exposed cars don't look very well, because their shiny curves reflect big windows and glass faces of the exhibition palaces, so for example the photos don't seem nice. Shortly, for the cars, the enormous hangars with artificial lighting realised by hundreds of reflectors scattered not only on the ceiling, are the best, as seen on more reputable exhibitions. The shine of a glass window on a photo is nothing pleasant. However, we have made quite a large photo gallery, which contains the most important from the Autoshow Praha 2007 exhibition.

Autoshow Praha exposition means not only passenger cars, but also light-duty commercial vehicles, light carrier vehicles and even caravans. The accompanying programme is composed of tuning, audio technique and other actions. In fact it looks so, that the main three part Veletržní palác building is occupied by the passenger cars. In front of it extend to the main gate on the free space the other cars. The accompanying programme is then concentrated to the Křižíkovy pavilony, which are with the Veletržní palác connected by an external passage, whose roof and walls are made of a matte light transmitting material. By the entry and exit the ticket is checked, because the passage is interrupted and allows entry from the other parts of the exhibition grounds.

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