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dimanche 22nd December 2024 5:55

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Zpráva 8th January 2008 11:00, vh
solartaxi: Louis Palmer is approaching New Zealand
Since the 16th December 2007 he is on board of a sailboat and sailing from Bali to New Zealand, where his journey should continue. Then he is going also to Australia.
français (Yahoo Babelfish) français (Google translate)

But it is not any ship. It is Rainbow Warrior from Greenpeace, who were on Bali also because of the conference. Sailing on such a small boat on open sea is not very pleasant, mainly because of the sea-sickness. Although its symptoms should disappear in three days, in the case of Louis Palmer it did not happen and he suffers from it whole journey. The best way, how to suppress it is to rest and lie idle. But this is also what he intended to do and he says, that he has never rested so many weeks in a row any before.

Now he is located in the Tasman sea between New Zealand and Australia. The expected date of arrival to Whangarei in New Zealand is on Friday 11th January 2008.

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