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www.motio.info: magazine de technologies mobiles, voyage et de style de vie
dimanche 22nd December 2024 5:55

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Zpráva 30th January 2008 20:00, vh
Solartaxi is in Australia
Louis Palmer arrived from New Zealand by air. Solartaxi reached on water. Wandering through the continent as cut out for solar energy begins.
français (Yahoo Babelfish) français (Google translate)

Louis Palmer and Solartaxi arrived to Sydney. Although they succeeded in finding the place to arrange a press conference, no journalist arrived. Only oridnary people showed up. Later he got an explanation, that good news do not sell. Solartaxi fights with early disbelief and some complications. For the first time on the journey from Prague the wind screen wiper had to be attached, because it was raining in Sydney. The problem is also with the tyres, which must be replaced more often than usually firstly because of the bad roads that Solartaxi had to go on and secondly because of the tyre low quality itself.

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