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6th April 2008 12:00, vh
Lexus Hybrid Drive - lexury drive
The big promoter of hybrid drive is Toyota and its more luxury division Lexus. One must admit, that they are in the usage of this kind of drive really far. When one says Lexus, almost everyone imagines also the letter h, which at many models marks the hybrid version, combining the classic petrol combustion engine with an electrical cooperating unit. We offer a brief overview of what is hidden behind this letter, as Lexus itself presents it on many official photos.
3.Lexus GS450h
4.Lexus LS600h
5.Lexus RX400h
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The main argument for hybrid drive is the cut in emissions. As already mentioned, Lexus is a luxury brand focusing rather on bigger cars for demanding customers. It is possible to cut the emissions in different ways, of course. Their production is proportional to the fuel consumption, so one of the ways is to make the engine smaller and thus cut its performance and of course also the size of the car, because smaller engine simply cannot handle a big car. But those interesed in a Lexus simply would not like it.

But a luxury road or light terrain car is not a racing car, which would need the performance all the time. During ordinary operation the high performance is needed only sometimes, at overtaking, or when driving uphills, for example. The rest of the time it lies unused and thus many brands use at their bigger engines the technology of switching off some of the valves, for example, when the unnecessary part is simply switched off. The Lexus hybrid drive solves this problem by adding an electrical unit to a quite high performance combustion engine for such a class of cars, which adds performance, when it is really needed, or drives the car at situations, when the combustion engine is not efficient, so the result is in much lower emissions and consumption, than at a car driven only by a combustion engine.

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