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12th May 2008 10:00, vh
Peugeot Partner (2008) - présentation de véhicule
The utility car category is very specific for its requirements. While a passenger car can be quite easily designed for expected usage, an utility car should offer as many as possible ways of cargo space usage, so it can be used even in the most unexpected situations. The new Peugeot Partner offers many interesting solutions simplifying the transport of different cargo and there is also an important advance in the overall car construction and manufacturing. We offer many official photos and long description as the manufacturer itself presents the car.
2.Official photos
3.Exterior appearance
4.Cargo space
5.Availability of cargo space
6.The cabin
9.Engine units
10.Comfort trim
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An innovative style combining durability with a modern design

The first impression created by the smooth lines of the new Partner is that of a dynamic and robust vehicle. The attention to detail, particularly the rear load area, suggests practicality and an excellent load capacity.

The key to its personality is the main styling line which begins at the front of the roof. It follows the very forward-positioned front windscreen, drawing the eye to the front of the vehicle and then ends in the wings. This unbroken line gives a modern feel and dynamism to the body shape.

The Peugeot designers have also created an expressive front emphasising the sturdiness of the new Partner. The design of the wraparound lower front panel reinforces this idea and is enhanced by a generous air intake grille, a characteristic of the Peugeot brand.

The position of the fog lamps, low down on the sides of the front panel, confi rms the dynamic feel of the vehicle and also creates an impression that the vehicle is larger than it is.

Its relationship with the rest of the range is confi rmed by the prominent position of the Peugeot badge located on the lower front panel.

The large headlamp units have a very feline style and the cylindrical design of the different light units give them an appearance similar to those found on other Peugeot models. The styling continues with the front grille which visually enhances the dimensions of the headlamp units.

On the sides, the large wheel arches with their pronounced curve re-affi rm the vehicle’s strong image.

The sides are defi ned by a recess in the lower angle of the windows. This gives an individual look to this part of the vehicle whilst complementing the front. The fl ush fi tting windows accentuate the modern fl owing design of the new Partner.

The overall impress is of a robust vehicle which is accentuated further by the wide body side protection mouldings.

The slightly curved design of the rear of the vehicle is available in two versions (hinged doors or tailgate) and gives the impression of a practical and generous load area. The rear lights are positioned high up where they are protected from small day to day knocks. These lights are specifi c according to the type of rear opening. Finally, the hinges on the hinged door versions are concealed, refl ecting Peugeot’s determination to enhance the quality of the new Partner down to the smallest detail.

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Official photos
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Cargo space
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