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12th May 2008 12:00, vh
Peugeot Partner Tepee (2008) - présentation de véhicule
Peugeot Partner Tepee is derived from the utility version and instead of cargo transportation offers much space for passenger transport and their luggage. Peugeot itself classifies it as MPV, but as MPV one imagines today rather an enlarged passenger car with better space usage. But Peugeot went the opposite way, from a well space usable utility version made a passenger car. The result is a car popular mainly at entrepreneurs, who can use it for work in difficult conditions as well as for private usage. Most classic MPVs are not built for this, which gives the Tepee version an interesting advantage at certain group of customers. The new model offers also an attractive coat in the variant or at least pack Outdoor. We offer many official photos and detailed official description directly from the manufacturer about everything that is behind this durable utility MPV.
2.Official photos
5.Boot and storage space
6.Partner Tepee Outdoor
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