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27th October 2007 17:00 / Veletrhy a výstavy
Invex and Digitex 2007 - IT and home electronics exposition
Invex exhibition is a legendary name in the Czech. In connection with it the computer revolution started here, which had to do much also with the political change. In the last decade of the 20th century, it was a cult and every year the most visited exhibition on the Brno exhibition grounds. During last years, we can see a big change in its conception. Mainly in the computer area, the classical exhibition is old fashioned. All news can be seen better on the web. So, from a mass action it has changed rather to a workshop associated with an exposition. We bring brief experience from the 2007 year, which took place from 23rd to 27th October 2007.
24th October 2007 18:00
Laguna Coupé concept
Renault gives to new Laguna much hope. Finally, it should be the product of the top level quality. Of course, these are much marketing rumours, because last Laguna generation did not make a very good name in the reliability field. The attractivity of Laguna should increase also a luxury coupé, which brings above all a revolutionary active car chassis.
Discussion (1 příspěvek)
23rd October 2007 14:00
World Solar Challenge - across Australia
Solar energy is considered by many to be the future and the only correct energy source for the mankind. The possibility of usage of such, from human life length point of view, inexhaustible energy source, which the Sun is, is the point of interest of many researchers. Many competitions and distance rides try to propagate their work and try to show the practical usability of the technology. One of them is also the World Solar Challenge competition, which celebrates already the 20th anniversary in 2007. It is interesting also by the fact, that it gives space not only to solar energy as is clear from the name, but there are also many other propulsions, which can be considered ecologically sustainable.
Discussion (1 příspěvek)
20th October 2007 8:00
Fiat 500: Czech pre-premiere
The legendary Fiat successor was very expected. There were many reasons for this, but one of them definitely is, that the similarity to the predecessor is breath taking. The designers succeeded in giving the new Fiat modern face, however they still come out of the most visible elements of the original car. It seems that they are only modernized, although the car is completely different from the ground.
18th October 2007 22:00
Fashion trends Autoshow Praha 2007
Also on such a small exhibition there were interesting fashion creations and hostesses that dressed them.
18th October 2007 7:00
Autoshow Praha: News and premieres
Autoshow is a small exposition. World premieres are not expected and they would probably be not so visible and no manufacturer wishes this. So, there are mainly Czech exposition premieres and one pre-premiere, which is Fiat 500, of course. But someone could surprise, so keep watching our report directly from the exhibition grounds, where we will bring current live photos.
17th October 2007 14:00 / Veletrhy a výstavy
Auto show - Autoshow Praha 2007
Automobile autumn is already traditionally connected with the Autoshow Praha exposition. It is an exposition of rather local character, which cannot be compared to the international exhibitions in the extent and also the brands are represented here rather by the dealers and not by manufacturers. However, it offers some premieres. The 2007 year is from 18th to 22th October 2007 on the Praha Holešovice exhibition grounds.
14th October 2007 18:00
Live photos of A1GP monopost in the Czech colors
One of the monoposts was exposed also in a shopping centre in Brno. It was mainly an allurement for the passing by people. How does the A1GP monopost look in the Czech colors from close distance you can see at photos.
10th October 2007 15:00
Miss IFA Berlin 2007
Big consumer electronics show is also a hostess beauty show. One of them was selected as Miss and so we can look at her photos with different devices.
6th October 2007 14:00
Motio.info: New magazine name
The mankind has celebrated the 50th anniversary of the space age. The first artificial orbiter of the Earth, Sputnik 1, was launched to the space on October 4th, 1957. Not only by this anniversary we bring the new name of the magazine, Motio.info. Current MobilMail.cz has been only a working name and from today we begin to leave it. You can still see it on many places, but this is going to end soon. When the transition is finished, the struck name in the logo will disappear too. It is not only the name change, but also the preparation of new services. We are changing also the contact e-mail addresses, the new on domain motio.info are going to be ready soon. The mobilmail.cz e-mail addresses are still valid and are going to be for at least one year from now. Use them unless there is explicitly stated motio.info.
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