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mag.mopo.info: Zeitschrift für mobile Technologien, Reisen und Lebensstil
Samstag den 21. September 2024 7:41

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E-mail den 26. September 2004 17:00, vh
Vyhráli jste milion eur!
Vynalézavost scammerù nezná mezí. Ovšem klasikou je pøece jen náhlá a neèekaná výhra pohádkového bohatství. No kdo by nechtìl milion eur? Ovšem jak už to u tìchto úžasných zpráv bývá, pravda je trochu nìkde jinde. Ten milion získá spíše autor tohoto podvodu od dùvìøivých ètenáøù jeho e-mailù.
Der Text ist nicht in der Sprache, die Sie ausgewählt haben, weil die Redaktion ihn nicht in sie geschafft hat. Trotzdem Sie können ihn mit dem automatischen Übersetzer durch klopfen auf einen Nachlass unten übersetzen lassen. Aber die Redaktion hat keine Zurechnungsfähigkeit für die automatische Übersetzung.
Deutsch (Google translate)

Následuje plné znìní e-mailu pro šastného výherce. Jedná se o typický scam, který z vás v pøípadì, že odpovíte, bude snažit vytáhnout co nejvíce penìz za poplatky a další "služby" spojené s údajným vyplacením výhry. Veškeré kontakty jsou samozøejmì vymazány a nahrazeny tuènì vyznaèenými písmeny X. Jména osob jsou rovnìž zkrácena.

Od: BARON XXX. XXX@netscape.net

EMAIL /LOTTERY SWEEPTAKES . (ACCREDITED LICENSED AGENT INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY .N.V) Ref. Nnumbe:IMFD 044/576/577/7D Batch Number: 5455-98774-FG 7K Sir/Madam We are pleased to inform you about the result of the Winners International Lottery N.V. programs LIEGE BEMGIUM held on the 22nd september ,2004. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 007686605-with serial number 6774-582 drew lucky numbers 7-16-98-22-20-45 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of ?1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros) in cash credited to file REF NUMBER IMFD 044/576/577/7D.This is from total prize money of ?50, 000,000.00 shared among the fifty, international winners in this category. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!Due to the mix up of some numbers and name‘s we ask that you keep your Winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and Your money Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol To avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some Participants. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn . From over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world. This promotional program takes placeevery three years.This lottery was promoted by the software corporation to compensate some few individuals with website and email addresses, we hope that with part of your winning you will take part in our next year 50 million international lottery. To file for your Claim, please contact our CLAIM MANAGER. WILLIAM RAYMOND XXX, TEL: XXX. Email: XXX@netscape.net Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 29th of october 2004.After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications Please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all Correspondence. Further more, should there be any change of address do Inform our agent as soon as possible.Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for Being part of our promotional program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified. Sincerely yours, Mr, Baron XXX. (Lottery Coordinator)

No a na závìr jako malá útìcha alespoò obrázek eurobankovky. Mnohem víc by se z vás autoøi tohoto scamu snažili vytáhnout, kdybyste jim odpovìdìli.

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Téma: Bojíte se scamù a odpovìdìli jste na nìjaký?
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