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mag.mopo.info: Zeitschrift für mobile Technologien, Reisen und Lebensstil
Samstag den 21. September 2024 7:42

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den 2. November 2007 18:00, vh
J. Ziegler OSN: Biofuels are a crime against humanity
Biofuels, as ethanol, are presented as ecological. In fact, there is no ecology in them and there are mainly economical interests of agricultural producents and a try for independence of the world most powerful countries on the oil powerful countries, which are usually not very friendly. Ecology is only exorcism, behind which everyone tries to hide. After the energetical considerations on biofuels production also doubts about their utility for the mankind emerge. In fact they lead to lower food production and price rise of it, which feel mainly the people, who have the least. According to the latest studies, there are 852 millions of hungry people in the world, 100 000 of them die every day for hunger and the consequences of hunger. For the consequences of hunger dies one child under 10 every five seconds. Jean Ziegler says, that these people are murdered.
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