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15th November 2007 23:00
Renault Active Drive chassis
New all wheel steering conception, remarked by Renault as Active Drive, promises much. Family hatchback Renault Laguna can in handling defeat such jewel, as Porsche 911. The advantages of the system are presented already in two videos, which you can look at here. You can find here also a live photo of the chassis model and official description photos.
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10th November 2007 11:00
Trabant expectation seen through the eyes of that era propaganda
Trabant came to the world during period, when in Europe first cars for wide public firstly emerged. Let's note VW Beetle, Fiat 500 and others. Moreover, it was period, when nobody knew, where does communism lead to and everyone believed in bright future. That is why it is very interesting to look at the international automobile exhibition IAA in Frankfurt through the eyes of that era press.
5th November 2007 17:00
Trabant 50 years
Trabant automobile is legendary. It did not became the legend because of exclusiveness. Contrary, it was a cheap mass production car which everyone claimed about, but the automobile industry of the former communistic eastern block simply was not able to produce anything better, which would remain in the series production, firstly becuase of the lack of various materials, secondly because of the low buying power of inhabitants. The first series came out on 7th November 1957 and only with small changes it remained in production until 1991, when this small car had no chance to compete against the flood of cars from the west after the fall of communism and opening of the frontiers. This vehicle owes its long life to the rigid political system, but also to plastic body, or to so simple construction, that anybody could maintain it at home conditions.
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4th November 2007 18:00
Tokyo 2007: Japanese manufacturers world premieres overview
Japanese automobile market is very rich. However, most of their cars will never get to Europe, because nobody would buy them here. The Japanese have different style. General passenger car looks according to their ideal like a box, but we can also see many futuristis shapes. So it is worth looking, what news have been presented in Tokio by the home manufacturers.
2nd November 2007 23:00, 50 % finished
Four Motors: The most powerful 2,0 TDI in the world with 206 kW
Although the usage of biotechnologies and biofuels for mass series production is still at least controversial, it finds interesting application in motor sport. We probably cannot make an objection to it, because this is mainly about development of the best ever possible and hopefully also the development of mass series sustainable technologies. The Four Motors company together with BASF chemical company and other partners developed an interesting bioautomobile concept, which not only goes on biofuel, but is also built of biomaterials. It can also boast of the most powerful two liter diesel engine ever built in the world, because maximum power of 206 kW (280 PS, 276 hp) is for this engine really respectable and many Škoda Octavia RS owners could surely imagine it in their car.
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2nd November 2007 19:00, 5 % finished
Bufori - exclusive brand introduction
Bufori brand is custom made cars manufacturer. The exotic name comes from Australia. Their cars are characteristic of the fact, that they evocate the nostalgic atmosphere of the old times of the automobile industry beginnings. But behind this, there is modern technique and high quality materials, when the body itself, which impresses very old-fashioned, is made of carbon-kevlar composite. Let's look closer at the current model MK III La Joya, with custom trim list containing such exclusive luxury things as jewel stones, badge made of pure gold, persian carpets made of silk, etc.
2nd November 2007 18:00
J. Ziegler OSN: Biofuels are a crime against humanity
Biofuels, as ethanol, are presented as ecological. In fact, there is no ecology in them and there are mainly economical interests of agricultural producents and a try for independence of the world most powerful countries on the oil powerful countries, which are usually not very friendly. Ecology is only exorcism, behind which everyone tries to hide. After the energetical considerations on biofuels production also doubts about their utility for the mankind emerge. In fact they lead to lower food production and price rise of it, which feel mainly the people, who have the least. According to the latest studies, there are 852 millions of hungry people in the world, 100 000 of them die every day for hunger and the consequences of hunger. For the consequences of hunger dies one child under 10 every five seconds. Jean Ziegler says, that these people are murdered.
31st October 2007 18:00
Nissan GT-R: Porsche Turbo competitor
Probably the most expected car of year 2007 Tokyo motor show was in fact Nissan GT-R. This sports car fights even the best series Porsche, the Turbo. The technical spec is nothing worse, but opposite. The car is also very interesting due to the fact, that there are not many of such pure sports cars in Japan.
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31st October 2007 15:00 / Veletrhy a výstavy
Tokyo Motor Show 2007 - autoshow
The Tokyo autoshow is very important. It not only celebrates the 40th anniversary, but is also the showcase of the Japaneese automobile industry, which experiences unprecedent expansion. Toyota brand currently varies on the first or second place in the world's automobile production. There were many news introduced, but also cars, that will never be seen in Europe. The Japaneese taste is different. Let's look briefly, what could be seen in Japan. Year 2007 is from 26th October to 11th November 2007.
27th October 2007 18:00
Olympus: car for men and women
Photos of cars at exhibitions with models provide pleasure mainly for men. At Invex the revolutionary step made Olympus company, which decided to offer pleasure to all men and women. Look at photos of an interesting car with a manly model man and a dapper model girl.
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