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den 2. Mai 2008 10:00
Autoaustellung Bratislava 2008 - Übersicht der Premieren
Many premieres appeared in Bratislava. But they were just Slovak exhibition premieres, of course, there was no world premiere there also because of the fact, that shortly before the world automobile exhibition in Geneva had ended, where all the manufacturers wanted to present themselves. But for the Czech visitors it was interesting, that many Slovak exhibition premieres still did not have the Czech ones, so there was much to look at. We bring almost two hundred photos in a large photogallery.
Diskussion (6 příspěvků)
den 1. Mai 2008 22:00
Modentrends Autoausstellung Bratislava 2008
To the new car models belong also new dress models for the hostesses. What did the particular brands chose to their automobiles can be seen in the photogallery. The models are not alone, of course, but on the present hostesses and one must add, that the Slovak girls are one of the most beautiful in the world and can be seen not only home in Slovakia, but also in Geneva or Paris.
Diskussion (1 příspěvek)
den 27. April 2008 17:00
F1 - Grosse Preis von Spanien (Catalunya)
The Formula 1 series is finally with the fourth race of the year 2008 world mastership showing up in Europe. The Grand Prix takes part on the Catalunya circuit near Barcelona. It is the centre of the motorsport also past Formula 1 and among many activities also just formula driving school is available there. But the Grand Prix is the top race which takes part from Friday 25th till Sunday 27th April 2008, when the main race takes part.
Diskussion (1 příspěvek)
den 24. April 2008 10:00 / Veletrhy a výstavy
AUTOAUSTELLUNG Bratislava 2008
The autoshow in Bratislava is rather a regional exposition but its importance and extent increases permanently. Thus the year 2008 was again record from the extent, exposing brands as well as exposition premieres point of view. It was held from 15th till 20th February 2008 and thus shortly after the international exhibition in Geneva, so there was also the chance to view some of the world premieres not long after their official disclosure.
den 7. April 2008 1:00
Fiat Multipla Natural Power: Betrieb CNG in Praxis
Fiat Multipla je v mnoha ohledech zajímavé auto. Design jeho první generace byl ale natolik kontroverzní, že si mnoho zájemců nenašla. Současný model je už mnohem uhlazenější, ale přesto vychází z dnes již zanechané snahy Fiatu pokusit se vyrábět auta s německy ostrými rysy. Symbolem neúspěchu tohoto přístupu je ostatně i Stilo. Multipla je zajímavá ale i tím, že jako jedno z nemnoha aut je nabízena i v tovární úpravě pro pohon CNG, což tento rodinný autobus činí ještě zajímavějším. Chybějící italský šarm jsme doplnili modelkou, která ovšem ke standardní ani doplňkové výbavě automobilu nepatří, takže prodejním trhákem se tento vůz asi opět nestane.
den 6. April 2008 17:00
F1 - Grosse Preis von Bahrain (Sakhir)
Next race of the Formula 1 series takes part in a small, but rich kingdom situated on an island in the Persian Gulf. So hot weather is not leaving the racers also here, but they are rewarded by the latest circuit in the series. Bahrain is the fastest growing trading place in the world, which is not only because of the oil industry, but also for example the F1, which can attract by its popularity enormous interest of medias and investors.
den 6. April 2008 12:00
Lexus Hybrid Drive - lexury drive
The big promoter of hybrid drive is Toyota and its more luxury division Lexus. One must admit, that they are in the usage of this kind of drive really far. When one says Lexus, almost everyone imagines also the letter h, which at many models marks the hybrid version, combining the classic petrol combustion engine with an electrical cooperating unit. We offer a brief overview of what is hidden behind this letter, as Lexus itself presents it on many official photos.
den 30. März 2008 22:00
Audi A4 - raubgierige Mittelklasse
The luxury brands try to stylize their middle class automobiles in a sporty way, to impress younger customers, who might find the higher models of these brands too conservative. The new Audi A4 could be even mistaken for a predator in the rear view mirror. It runs to measure mainly with the concurence from the other brands in this segment. The impressions from A4 offer many official photos.
den 22. März 2008 11:00
F1 - Grosse Preis von Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)
From the late summer Australia is F1 moving to tropical and exotic Malaysia. It lies just above the equator on the northern hemishpere and can offer much to the tourists. But the racers suffer mainly from the high temperatures and related possible car failures. The Sepang circuit is however very modern and can offer pleasant environment for the racers as well as for the spectators. The Grand Prix is held from Friday 21st till Sunday 23rd March 2008, when the main race is run.
den 19. März 2008 1:00
Neu Škoda Superb
The world premiere of Škoda Superb new generation took part at autoshow in Geneva 2008. This model also uses the strategy of its manufacturer to offer for a given class a car at the top of the size edge. It also has a historic root, because before 1989 the manufacturer produced only one model in fact, which had to be sufficient for everyone. Only with the start of the Octavia production in 1996 it changed and now it is the best selled model of the manufacturer. The first Superb is not as successfull, because the simple strategy of "inflating" the size does not work in the higher classes, because the customer expects there more in the form of the technology and luxury. So what will the new Superb be able to offer to better compete the middle class, or even higher, which it approaches with its size?
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